How to Pack for Bikepacking Perfectly | Expert Advice

Finally, you and your buddies have made it! Your long-awaited group tour on bi-cycle has come true after months of planning. But what’s this? Looks like you’re falling behind the team though you’re on full swing. Oops! Seems your wrong packing pattern has made it a bit tough for you to keep up. But do you really think it would’ve happened if you just knew how to pack for bikepacking perfectly? I don’t think so. Well, it’s not too late yet.
You still can fix that up. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back here. I’m going to get you all the ins and outs to get it all back on the right track.
Why Packing Perfectly is So Important?
If you’re an old player, then there’s nothing here on this part that you don’t know already. But if you’re a new one, then here’s a piece of advice for you. NEVER underestimate the importance of packing in the right way. Looking for a reason for that? Well, let me give you three then.
Grabbing All Your Stuff
If you’re not a fan of borrowing things from others, then you better get all the stuff with yourself. But how you’re going to do that if you can’t even take it all in the packs? So, if you know the right way to pack things up, you won’t have to worry about bringing other’s stuff anymore.
Maintaining the Balance
Have you ever done your backpacking or made any backpacking trip? How the scattered packing theory works there? Exactly, not great. It’s nothing different on this one as well. If you go for packing in a disorganized way, then be ready to say goodbye to the balance. Still think you don’t need a lesson on the packing?
Losing the Privilege of Speeding Up
The first condition about being brake-free on the road is making your ride light. But the imperfect packing won’t let that happen for sure. Because when you know how to pack your things, you’ll understand how to maintain the right weight level too.
But when don’t care about any of that, then be ready to be the last rider on the team. Moreover, the bulkiness of the bag on the frame might prevent you from saddling smoothly as well.
Types of Bags Required in Bikepacking
Do you love keeping things separately but in an organized way? Then, there’s good news for you my friend. There’s a good variation of bags for bikepacking. So, now you can kick the worries out of losing anything behind. Here’s the list for you –
Seat Pack
The Seat pack is probably the most basic and essential bag that riders carry on their trips. It can be a struggle to find a comfortable and secure spot for your bag during a cycling commute. The Cycle Seat Pack is specifically designed to fit on the back of a cycle and safely store your belongings; from your phone and keys to your wallet and cash securely while you ride. The pack also features reflective strips for improved visibility at night.
Seat packs can be in two types, lightweight and bulkier. The bulkier one often comes with a good amount of storage capacity where you can put in a lot of your stuff, especially the light but bulky one.
Handlebar Pack
I guess, with the name you’ve already understood where you’ll have to set this one up. Yes, the handlebar. This one is made to deal with the less-frequently used but bulky stuff like the camping setup.
Bicycle handlebar bags are another convenient way to store items securely, comfortably and within easy reach. The bag attaches to a bicycle’s handlebars, placing it in a position close to the user’s face and hands.
Handlebar packs attach to the handlebars and create a small space for storage. It is a convenient way to carry a cellphone, wallet, keys, and other items that would typically go in pockets.
This provides the cyclist with easier access to these items without having to stop and remove a backpack from their back or carry it in their hand.
Top Tube Bag
When you need to have quicker access to any of your things, then nothing can be the best option for that but the top tube bag. All you need to do is just attach this one with the top tube of your ride.
Frame Pack
Looking for a place to put all your heavier items in? Then congrats! The Frame pack is here to handle that. As it stays in the middle of the bike, it comes with the lowest chance of creating any imbalance while riding even if you’re putting a ton of things in it.
There’re other bags and carriers as well that you can fix up with your ride when you need more room for your things. They are –
- Stem Bag – For small but frequently used items
- Cargo Cage – For carrying larger water bottles
- Backpack – For carrying mid-weighted items.
- Bottle Cage – To carry standard-sized bottles.
How to Pack for Bikepacking?
No matter how many bags you put on your ride, it’s still of no use if you don’t know how to set and fill them up. Well, let me fix that up for you. It all starts with the –
Seat Pack
What are your first priorities when you’re setting up for a long tour on your bike? If I’m not wrong, then it’s probably the clothing. Well, bulkier seat packs are there for you to grab all of them along with your sleeping bag, sleeping pad, rain gear.
As this pack is designed mainly for the seat, you can’t and shouldn’t put heavy items there. Otherwise, you might find it difficult to drag the bike ahead smoothly. But if you still have no other option but putting some heavier items there, then place them closer to your seat.
Handlebar Pack
One of the similarities between the Handlebar and seat pack is, they’re both meant for the bulkier but lighter items. So, if you run out of space on the seat pack with your clothing or sleeping bag the handlebar pack is here to save your day.
But another interesting part is, the Handlebar Pack is considered to be the best place for keeping your tent setup as well.
Frame Pack
Here comes your bike’s weight carrier, the Frame Pack. Doesn’t matter you’re thinking about putting in the bike tubes, bike tools, stove, fuel, or food, this bad boy can keep all of them perfectly balanced. As they’ll be in the middle of your bike, it shouldn’t be a problem for you to keep the speed and balance up easily.
Top Tube Bag
You’re not planning to put your phone, medicine, passport, credit cards, wallet in the seat pack right? For them, you need something with quick access. Thanks to the top tube bag that can handle them all.
Final Words
You’re making the trip probably to get relaxed from all your hassles and hazards. But if you’re packing is filling that gap of hassles up, I don’t think it’ll as relaxing as you expected.
So, if you really don’t want to face that anymore, then learn how to pack for bikepacking properly. After checking this article out, I’m quite sure that you’ve already got a clear idea about how to pull that off. We also suggest you to check out our other resources before you head over to an excursion.